Thursday, 30 May 2013

Our Motion (3)

So the motion for our today's debate are:

THBT in a conservative society, special school should be made for LGBT society

1) LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
2) It depend on how you define the special school.

- Special school work as a boarding school. They go to the school for 5 years. Preparing themself to face the outside world after they have graduate from the school. The syllabus is the same as a normal high school but the difference is, they always been promoted with how importance to be confidence with them self. Because confidence is the key to face the people.


- The school have no age restriction. If you know you are LGBT, and you seek for protection and wanted to be accepted but the society, so come to this school. It have what the LGBT need. It is not a boarding school. It is more tutorial oriented. They come to the class in evening. They mingle around with LGBT, learn how to act around the society, then after the class, they can put to use the knowledge that they have gain.

In general:

The LGBT society are getting larger in number. In liberal country, slowly they are being accepted. But it is a different story in the conservative  society. They are so conservative to the extend that they can not accept the idea of the LGBT society. This people tend to be insulted and degraded. LGBT society have the right to live like any other human being. Is it by having this special school for the LGBTs will change the mindset and perspective of this conservative society? Or is it just a waste of time.


To  change the mindset of the conservative people take a long time. In this motion we don't focus on how to change the mindset of this conservative people rather we believe that the one we should change is the LGBT society. We want the LGBT people to be confidence of them self. When they proud to be the LGBT, they will be able to face the world without being ashamed of them self. If they want to be accepted by the society, they need to stand up for them self. Prove to this people that even the LGBT people have the quality and capability as a other people. 


Having this special school is like we are labeling this people. People will actually know they are LGBT and they will be discriminated even more. The special school will make the LGBT isolated from the society. They will only mingle around with LGBT to the extend that they don't even try to be accepted by the society, with the reason that they already have this "family" that accepted them for who they are. If the LGBT want to be accepted by the society, the need to go to the same school like everybody else. Make friends with them. Mingle around with them. Let them know that LGBT people is not a bad people.

Konklusinya: My name is Hafiz Hadi and I am straight. Peace yo!

Assalam Design

In this modern world, you can buy things online. Such as clothes, watch, shoes, train ticket, movie ticket, you just name it. Weird but true story. One of them is the Assalam Design. You just need to go to their pages, find the clothes that you like. Order it and Wallah ! You have just order you own clothes.

But what I want share to you is how they run the business. You buy one clothes, the price is RM 25. You buy 2 clothes the price is RM 50. But if you buy 20 pieces of cloth or more in one purchase, you can get the shirt's prices at RM 17 each. Cool isn't it? But then you may ask, why do I need to buy up to 20 shirts?

But there is where you need to use your creativity. Instead of you buying 20 pieces of shirts, why don't you find 20 people that will buy the shirts. Ring some bells? And that is what Kimi had done. In order to get the shirts for RM 17, he manage to gather 19 people that will also buy the shirts and guess what. I am one of them. Hehe.

Yeah. You may said that Assalam Design will get all the benefit because they get all the money. But you know what? Some of the profit that they gain will be donated to Aqsa Syarif. In future, they have the dream of using the money to help other people in need. Pray for their success. Technically, you are buying and giving charity at the same time. How much cool will it be.

If you look at other point's of view,  in order for you to get a shirt's for a price of RM 17, you will be challenge to find up to 20 people to also want to buy the shirts. So you will learn how to talk to people. Convince them to buy the shirts. Most important thing is, you will have a better relationship with them. as you   are the one who initiate everybody to buy the shirts.

Just look at our happy face after receiving the shirts. So damn happy. HaHaHa.

Konklusinya: I look really handsome in that picture. No doubt about it. HaHaHa.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Melda Ahmad

Yang sebenarnya saya tidak tahu siapa Melda Ahmad. Mungkin dia seorang penyanyi atau mungkin seorang pelakon. Tapi yang pasti, satu ketika dahulu, saudara ku Aiman telah membuatkan aku jatuh cinta pada lagu Melda Ahmad. Putus dan Kimia.

Ceritanya kalau tak silap ketika di tingkatan 2, selepas peperiksaan akhir tahun. Aiman dan Faris buat sleep over di rumah saya selama seminggu. Ketika zaman kegemilangan tersebut, jiwa remaja mula membuak buak. Sibuk nak layang lagu lagu jiwang. Salah satunya lagu Melda Ahmad.

Tiap - tiap hari selama seminggu di "docterain" untuk dengar lagu ni. Lama - lama hafal tanpa dipaksa. *kan baguih kalau dengar ayat quran* Tapi selepas sleep over, lagu Melda Ahmad sudah jarang di pasang. Mungkin kerana Aiman tak lagi pasangkan lagu itu untuk saya dengar. Atau mungkin saya memang dah lupa mengenai lagu tersebut.

Usai makan di cafe V2 hari ini, sesuatu yang menarik berlaku. Ingat lagi Supi Supian? Beliau menyanyikan satu lagu. Mendengar lirik lagu tersebut buat saya terdiam. Macam pernah dengar lagu ini, tapi di mana ya? Walau tidak dapat mengecam lagu apa yang dinyanyikan oleh Supi, tapi saya mampu mengikut nyanyi bersama beliau.

"Aku duduk sendirian di kamar ku
Menangis kesepian kernamu
Kau tinggalkan aku
Kau cari yang lain
Tergamakmu merobek hatiku"

Melda Ahmad - Putus

Konklusinya: Baru aku perasan betapa jiwangnya lagu tu. HAHAHA.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat

Subjek Semester 2
  • Physic 2
  • Chemistry 2
  • Calculus
  • Co curricular 

Rutin kami pelajar utp apabila memulakan semester yang baru, kami akan pergi mendaftar makmal dan tutorial. Waktu kuliah kami adalah tetap. Tetapi kami diberikan kebebasan untuk memilih waktu makmal dan tutorial yang kita kehendaki berdasarkan pilihan yang mereka berikan.

Strategi saya cukup mudah. Saya tak nak ada kelas waktu malam dan saya tak nak ada kelas sampai petang. Alasan tak nak kelas malam sebab malam boleh dimanfaatkan untuk main game, berehat, keluar dengan member, join program dan semestinya untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran. *itu tipu* Alasan tak nak ada kelas sampai petang sebab waktu petang boleh keluar sukan. Tapi semester lepas boleh kira dengan jari berapa kali saya keluar bersukan. *pemalas*

Untuk semester kali ini, kami tak perlu berebut - rebut mendaftar makmal dan tutorial. Kerena waktu makmal dan tutorial untuk setiap jurusan telah ditetapkan. Terpaksalah kami redho dengan keputusan yang telah peringkat pengurusan tetapkan. Mujur masa makmal untuk semester kali ini menarik. Untuk aliran kejuruteraan mekanikal, makmal physic dan chemistry. Hari isnin jam 11:00 - 1:00 dan 3:00 - 5:00.

Yang tinggal adalah untuk mendaftar tutorial calculus. Dan seperti yang dijangkakan, 30 minit sebelum masa pendaftaran, ramai pelajar dah berkumpul dan bersedia untuk mendaftar. Semua "berusaha" nak dapatkan waktu tutorial yang menyebelahi mereka. Saya nak kelas pagi. Tak nak kelas petang. Petang nak tido. Hehe.. Alhamdulillah dapat.

Nak mendaftar kena tulis Nama, No IC dan no ID dan tanda tangan pada kertas yang di tampal

Tak terlepas juga mereka yang tolong daftarkan untuk kawan kawan mereka. 
Call. Tanya kawan nak waktu tutorial yang mana satu.

Dalam kesibukan orang mendaftar Supi Supian sempat posing untuk tangkap gambar.

Konklusinya: Mereka sekadar berlakon sahaja. Pada hari kejadian, mereka buat barisan ikut jurusan masing - masing dan mendaftar dengan hemah. Dan tiada sesiapa yang tercedera ketika sesi pendaftaran. Harap maklum. Sekian.

Rakan Sebilik

23.05.2013 - Khamis

Pada hari tersebut, rakan sebilik saya selamat keluar dari utp. Memang sedih bila tahu dia nak keluar utp. Masa semester 1 kami tak sebilik. Saya sebilik dengan Amir Omar dan dia sebilik dengan Saniy. Tak tipu saya cakap, masa semester satu saya selalu lepak dengan dia. Terutamanya masa makan malam.

Jam 6.30 saya akan jadi warden dan ketuk pintu bilik dia. Saya ketuk, ketuk dan terus ketuk sampai dia buka. Bila pintu yang diketuk telah dibuka, dengan hemah saya memberi salam dan mengajak dia untuk makan malam sama sama *poyo*

Dan begitulah rutin seharian kami. Sehinggalah sampai suatu hari, beliau mengajak saya untuk sebilik dengannya masa semester 2. Tidak mengambil masa yang lama untuk saya terus bersetuju dengan cadangan beliau. Terbayang - bayang kami makan sama sama di cafe v2 pulak.

Maka, selepas tamat final exam, kami bersama - sama mengemas bilik dan menghantar barang barang kami ke pertempatan baru. Dulu di Village 6 sekarang ini di Village 2. Berkat bantuan abang smart group kami, Abang Arif, kami selesai memindahkan barang barang kami dengan selamat.

Hari terakhir sebelum pulang ke rumah memulakan cuti semester, kami banyak berborak dan berkongsi cerita. Banyak perkara yang kami rancang untuk lakukan masa semester ke 2. Antaranya, misi untuk memulakan business dan misi untuk mendapatkan 4 flat dalam peperiksaan.

Apabila mula semester 2, saya dapat tahu dia akan keluar utp. Dia cakap, dia nak teruskan matlamat dia untuk menjadi doktor. Di utp dia mengambil jurusan ict. Sedih. Hampa. Nak buat macam mana, dalam hidup ni, semua orang ada impian masing masing. Moga apa yang diimpikan tercapai. Menjadi doktor yang soleh dan berjaya dunia dan akhirat.

Apa yang menarik mengenai pemergian rakan sebilik saya ni adalah, dia mengada tak nak keluat utp. Dia bagi masa kat saya 1 minggu untuk mencari pengganti rakan seibilik saya sebelum dia keluar utp. Baguih la tu. Kalau tak jenuh juga memulakan semester ke 2 tanpa sapa - sapa di sisi ni. Terima kasih weh.

Alhamdulillah. Pencarian mencari rakan sebilik berjaya ! Hehe. Nama dia Hafiz Ismail. Dia juga macam saya, rakan sebilik dia, Fathi, telah keluar utp untuk menyambung pelajaran ke Australia satu hari nanti. Jadi Hafiz dan Hafiz kini tinggal sebilik. Selari dengan nama Hafiz. Kami menjaga sesama sendiri. Hehehe..

Gambar Terakhir bersama Imran NurHakim sebelum dia keluar utp

Konklusinya: Saya jadi engineer. Awak jadi doktor. Sama - sama kita bangunkan Baitul Ummah :)

Monday, 27 May 2013

Our Motion (2)

So the motion for our today's debate are:

THBT Parents should be given excess to all password of their child social networking site.

1) Principal debate
2) Child is define as under 12 years old.

In general:

The children is under 12 years old. When they want to be a part of the social networking site. They never knew the danger of the social networking site. How to make sure this children is safe when they are using the social networking site such as facebook, twitter, intagram and etc. If the parents get hold of the children's social networking's password. Will it change anything? Or do we have a better approach in protecting the children?


When the parent have the children's password, they can observe to whom the children talk to, what do they talk about, is it the topic that they talk is appropriate or not. The parent can guide them in a way that they will not interfere what the children do in the social networking site. But they can always guide the children by telling what they do is a good thing to do or not. This process of learning will make the children safe from the thread of the internet and make them a matured person. The bond between family also could increase as the process of learning goes on.


Parent are concern to what will the children do when they are using the social networking site. Will they post a nude photo and embarrass the whole family? How will this effect their future and life. But this is all about the question of trust. If the children being educate well since their early life. They learn to respect and love their family to the extend the will not do things that will humiliate the family. So there is no point for parent to have their children's password. As if the parent do not have faith in their on children.

Konklusinya: I will not let my children to have their on facebook account and etc until they a mature enough to handle it. But how actually I will know that they are matured ennough if they never have the chance to experience the internet? Hahaha. Mind blow.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

New Chapter !

You know what ? I think I am a manga freak. I really loves to read manga. But I don't know when did I start to loves it. Maybe it is just love at first sight. Hahaha. So I wake up this morning, open the internet just to be shock that the new chapter for this manga is out. How happy I am :D

Naruto :
- Sasuke is back !! He want to protect the village and he also want to become a hokage. Hahaha.. Such a weird things coming out from his mouth. But maybe that is his resolution after hearing the truth.
- The best part is, Team 7 is back. How nostalgic it is >__< !!

- Come to the amazing part whereby Kuroko is telling the story about the generation of miracle. Now we can have a better understanding about each of the member from the generation of miracle
- Akashi + Murasakibara + Aomine + Modorima + Kise  + Kuroko

- Now Ichigo know the truth about her mother. The question is how he is going to react with it. Ambush the king of Quincy just like that? I don't think so. He will come out with a good plan to fight back. Yeah. Maybe.
- And every body at soul society is training hard to wins against the quincy. Many new surprise in the upcoming chapter. Cool.

Konklusinya: I believe that I should use time wisely. ergh.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Lecturer

This 4 month of semester 2 is going to become a great 4 month. That is something that I want to believe. Because this is the power of the mind. When we truly believe in what we believe, it will magically turn out to be like we have expected.

My great and awesome lecturer for my 2nd semester are:

Physics 2 : Mr Hassan Soleimani
Chemistry 2 : Mr Aamir
Calculus : Puan Noraini

Together with them in achieving 4 flat for this awesome semester. Amin :)

Konklusinya: Hey, what about your dilema ? Are you done with that already ?

Our Motion (1)

So the motion for our today's debate are:

This house would force feed prisoner who goes for hunger strike.

1) More to mechanism debate
2) Right of the prisoner

In general:

This prisoner go for hunger strike. They want their voice to be heard by the citizen. They want the government to take action. Now, should the government let the prisoner die just like that ? or should the government force the prisoner to eat so that the prisoner do not die ?


We should force feed the prisoner, if they died who will be blame for their death ? The government ! So it  will give a bad implication to the government. We also need to force feed them so that they will not commit the crime of committing suicide. Government need to protect the sanity of life. 


Prison is  built to punish this prisoner who have commit crime and to protect the citizen. We have the idea to protect the citizen. If the prison are the one who we want to protect. So we should just let anything be happen to the prisoner. They commit crime. They deserve the punishment. Why the need to rebel and to even protest about it.

Konklusinya: I believe the prisoner have the right to be treated nicely

Sambung Belajar (3) - Dilema

This one person is given 3 opportunity. 


- He got UITM Kampus Puncak Alam
- He got to study Foundation in Engineering
- He also get Bantuan Kewangan Asasi IPTA
- Technically, he won't burden his parent

- He got Uniten Putrajaya Campus
He got to study Foundation in Engineering
- He got financial support from MARA
- Technically, he won't burden his parent

Or he can choose the pick the Third choice

- Stay on Universiti Teknologi Petronas
- Continue his second semester
- Halfway to complete his foundation
- Use FAMA to support his study

Oh ! FAMA in short are Father and Mother. Technically, father and mother are the one supporting his study. So yeah. He is in dilemma to choose between the 3 offer.

Konklusinya: How about taking all of it ! -__-

Monday, 20 May 2013

Sambung Belajar (2) - Uniten

For the record, hari pertama kelas untuk semester kedua, dan aku dah tak datang kelas. Alasan ? sebab tersalah baca maklumat. Pikiaq cuti sampai 20 hb walhal 20 hb lah kelas mula. Apa - apa pon. Aku dapat tahu hari ni cuma ada satu kelas je. Dan depa cakap kelas 30 minit je. Munking sebab nak buat introduction sahaja. Fuhhh. Selamat.

Antara topik hangat hari ni result MARA keluar kul 5 tadi. Sedih gak. First choice dan second choice mintak lain. Dapat kat tempat lain. Quite a tough decision to make.

Matrikulasi : Matrikulasi Kelantan
MARA : Uniten

Habis tu nak campak mana UTP ? Haish.. Pesan ustazah aku :

"Buat solat istikharah.. Moga - moga Allah berikan petunjuk kepada Hafiz..dan jangan lupa, bagitahu kat mak, minta mak doakan hafiz agar hafiz dapat buat pilihan yang terbaik"

Konklusinya: Terima kasih ustazah. Yup. Allah know the best for us.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Oh My God !

And I though the semester break is until the 20th March 2013. But sudden shock knowing that actually class will  start on the 20th March 2013. So yeah. I am going to miss my first class on the first day of the semester. Cool. But maybe it will turn out to be a great prank. Who knows.

Woah. I am good at packing things. Hahaha.

Konklusinya : Read the notification carefully. You clumsy boy.

Saturday, 18 May 2013


Alhamdulillah. Majlis pernikahan pada hari ini berjalan lancar. Selamat pengantin baru kepada Abang Kimi dan Kak Mira. Moga Kak Mira dan suami kekal hingga ke syurga allah nanti. Insyallah. Jumpa kat syurga  nanti. Eceh. Amin :)

Apa pon, yang paling penting, berpeluang balik kampung. Sejak dari tahun lepas, tak berkesempatan balik kampung. Mana tidaknya, tahun lepas amek SPM. Masa raya pon tak balik kampung sebab SPM punya pasal. Lepas habis SPM pulak, ada interview universiti. Dek kerana fast track, bulan 1 dah masuk universiti. dan ini jauh lebih cepat dari kawan kawan lain. 

*Kawan kawan cuti panjang. Saya dah mula belajar balik. Ada baik dan buruknya*

Banyak perkara menarik berlaku hari ni. Balik kampung. Kenduri kahwin. Yang paling menarik dan seronok apabila keputusan peperiksaan semester 1 keluar. Alhamdulillah. Keputusan yang baik. Adalah jugak motivasi untuk memulakan semester ke 2. Markah peperiksaan adalah rahsia. HAHA.

Konklusinya: Semester 2 here I come !

Friday, 17 May 2013

Pengerusi Majlis


Saya dan adik beradik telah ditugaskan untuk menjadi pengerusi majlis bagi perkahwinan saudara saya yang akan berlangsung di Kuantan. Tertekan untuk menyiapkan teks. Adik beradik yang terlibat menjadi pengerusi majlis juga tidak dapat memberikan kerjasama berikutan mereka sedang menduduki peperiksaan pertengahan tahun.

Makanya semua mengharapkan yang sulung menyiapkan teks. Latihan pula akan dibuat ketika perjalanan balik ke Kuantan. Terkadang hati mula tertanya, jadi pengerusi majlis untuk saudara yang berkahwin? Diri ni bila nak menjejak kaki ke pelamin? Buahahaha. Ini semua poyo! Sangat sangat poyo!

Dengan bantuan ibu dan carian di merata - rata tempat, teks telah berjaya disiapkan. Dikesempatan ini, saya berminat untuk berkongsi pantun - pantun yang akan digunakan ketika majlis perkahwinan itu nanti. Moga ianya boleh menjadi inspirasi kepada para pembaca.

"Pelajar Tahfiz rajin menghafal,
Sambil menghafal sambil menulis;
Kami Hafiz, Nabila dan Naufal,
Tiga beradik pengacara majlis".

"Menu petang kueh ketria,
Dihidang rapi sedap memandang;
Ibu bapa pengantin gembira,
Melihat tetamu datang bertandang".

"Gemerlap permata idaman suri,
Kilauan dokoh kanda kalungan;
Jatuh cinta perkara misteri,
Segala jodoh Allah takdirkan".

"Kain selembar coraknya batik,
Dewangga puteri ditiup angin;
Jika benar cinta berputik,
Ketemu wali memohon izin".

2 pantun akhir tu nukilan Brother Ahmad Fedtri Yahya.

Konklusinya: Selamat Pengantin Baharu Kak Mira

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Sambung Belajar (1) - UPU


UPU. Tajuk hangat yang diperbualkan oleh budak budak lepasan SPM 2012. Alhamdulillah Asasi Kejuruteraan di UITM.

Konklusinya: UITM ? Cooool :D

Debate !

How I wish I could talk and debate just like them. But the most important thing is that, congratulations to IIUM for winning The LexisNexis Rule of Law Debate 2013, held on 7th March 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Here is the link for the highlight of the competition.

Konklusinya: I do need to read How to Debate for Dummies. LOL

Star Trek into darkness

Even though I never knew what is Star Trek is all about. The movie is freaking awesome ! With cool story line plus with the very realistic graphic. You will be amaze with the movie. Story about a group of explorer that explore new galaxy for a living being. They observe them and learn new things from them. and then come the interesting part. But I think is better for you guys to watch the movie :P

Konklusinya:Calling all engineer.Oh please make all the spaceship in the movie into reality >__< !!

16 Mei 2013

Saya mengenali seorang guru yang elok akhlak dan peribadinya. Gerak tingkah dan riak wajah sentiasa ceria. Jika tiada apa yang hendak dibicarakan, beliau selesa diam dan berfikir. Cara dan gaya seorang guru terserlah pada penampilannya. Kata - kata nasihat tak pernah jemu diberi sebagai azimat meniti kehidupan penuh mencabar.

Beliau seringkali membantu pengawas dalam mengendalikan program program yang akan dijalankan di sekolah agama menengah hulu langat. Beliau percaya, pelajar yang dibimbing dengan baik pasti akan menjadi pelajar yang cemerlang dalam kehidupan. Kehadiran beliau ternyata memberi impak dalam kehidupan kita.

Ceritanya, setiap kali nak buat program di dataran / di luar dewan. Di akhir perbincangan, soalan terakhir yang akan dilontarkan kepada pengawas, "kalau hujan macam mana?" Kami di ajar untuk sentiasa membuat back up plan. andai rancangan asal tidak dapat dilaksanakan.

Konklusinya: Selamat hari guru :)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Jack and the Beanstalk

The baby is so excited telling us the story about Jack and the Beanstalk. 

"Once upon a time.."

"or any money."

"old man came up to him."




"down down down down"

Just enjoy the video guys.

Konklusinya: Membaca jambatan ilmu ! hehe

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Short video but conveying a very important message. Act now. We can make change.

Konklusinya: Together, I believe we can do it.

Selamat datang !


Hari ini pendafataran bagi pelajar asasi, May intake, 2013. Haruslah mereka teruja untuk masuk ke universiti. Kami januari intake technically senior mereka la kan? Senior dengan jarak 1 sem je pon. Hakikatnya umur sebaya. Sama sama dulu amek SPM.

Kepada anda semua, selamat memasuki alam universiti. Alam yang lebih mencabar dari sekolah menengah. Kejayaan di sekolah lama, ketepikan. Bukan lagi untuk dibanggakan. Sekarang masa untuk memulakan cabaran baru. Menempa kejayaan pula di universiti.

Cabaran itu pasti ada. Malah akan lebih mencabar dan memeritkan. Teruskan sabar dan tabah untuk menghadapi cabaran. Setiap kali jatuh. Ingat balik pada mak ayah. Mereka bersusah payah membersarkan kita. Sekarang masanya untuk kita balas jasa mereka semula. 

Konklusinya: Enjoy your life in the university !

Sihat sebelum Sakit

Sibuk dengan kehidupan seharian. Kita lupa bahawa kesihatan itu adalah antara nikmat yang terbaik pernah allah bagi kepada kita. Sebab kita sihat, kita boleh meneruskan kehidupan kita dengan gembira. Kita mampu untuk bangun dari tido untuk pergi ke sekolah atau ke tempat kerja. 

Tapi kita sibuk. Kita alpa. Kita lalai. Kita terkadang lupa untuk menghargai kesihatan yang kita ada. Kita tak jaga kesihatan kita. Tak makan pada masanya. Kadang tu tak makan langsung. Tak pon makan makanan tak berkhasiat. Tak bersukan / kurang bersukan. Dok ber - FB 24 jam. Tido lambat. 

Sepatunya kita kena lebih sayangkan diri kita ni. Kaya macam mana sekali pun. Kalau kita tak sihat. Tak mampunya untuk kita meneruskan kehidupan kita dengan gembira. Sayu hati ni bila pergi ke hospital. Banyak orang sakit.Mereka dok terperap dalam hospital. Tak pernah dapat melihat dunia luar. Ubat menjadi makanan mereka. Sedih.

Konklusinya: Prevention is better than cure. Sayangi diri kita sebaiknya :)

Monday, 13 May 2013

Menghitung Hari.

3 minggu cuti semestar merupakan anugerah yang terbaik untuk orang macam aku yang baru masuk universiti. Seronok kot. 3 minggu cuti. Dah rasa macam cuti akhir tahun. Macam macam boleh buat. Kawan kawan pon ramai lagi yang belum masuk universiti. Boleh lah lepak lepak dengan dieorg.

Maka cuti di manfaatkan dengan sebaiknya. *Itu dari sudut pandang aku* Ada masa kami lepak main dota. Ada tu pulak pergi panjat Broga Hill dekat semenyih. Manfaatkan? Tapi sedar tak sedar, 2 minggu dah berlalu. 1 minggu je lagi tinggal, sebelom semestar ke 2 bermula. Aduh... berat rasanya nak balik ke universiti. 

Kisah nak balik ke universiti tu cerita ke 2. Yang lebih penting sekarang ni. 1 minggu cuti ni perlu dimanfaatkan sebaiknya. Mungkin habiskan masa dengan keluarga. Jadi guru tusyen untuk adik adik yang masih bersekolah. Jadi suri rumah tak sepenuh masa. Yeah. Apa apa pon. Keluarga tetap nombor satu.

Cubaan untuk menghabiskan buku ini dalam baki 1 minggu cuti

Konklusinya: Cuti dah nak habis -____- !!

Saturday, 11 May 2013


A: Aku tahu. Hari ni Hari Ibu. Jadi kene bagi layanan special kat mak aku.

A bergegas bertemu mak

A: Mak, hari ni hari ibu. Akma akan bagi layanan yang terbaik untuk mak hari ni.

M: Wah. Terharunya mak. Layanan apa hang nak bagi kat mak ?

A: Untuk hari ni, Akma akan basuh baju, sidai baju, lipat baju, memasak, kemas rumah, jaga adik - adik. Senang kata, mak rehat je hari ni. Akma akan buat kerja mak.

M: Wah. Ini memang luar biasa.

A: Biasalah mak. Ini bukti Akma sayang kat mak >__< !!

M: Mak harap. Hari hari selepas ni. Akma akan tolong mak macam ni. Kan baguih. Boleh mak berehat sepanjang masa. Barulah bukti Akma memang beno beno sayang mak.

A: Err.. *mati lah aku*

Konklusinya: Sayangilah mak kita sepanjang masa.

Friday, 10 May 2013


Browsing Ellen's youtube channel and I came across this interesting video. She is interviewing little kids with such a great talent and cuteness. Gosh. Just see it for your self.

The way he say Ellen is his girlfriend is just so cute

Pure talent. No doubt about it.

Konklusinya: Aku pon nak anak macam tu lah. Buahahaha..


نَوَيْتُ اْلإِعْتِكَافَ فِىْ هَذَا الْمَسْجِدِ سُنَّةَ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Sahaja aku beriktikaf di masjid ini sunat kerana allah taala

Hari jumaat best. Sebab lepas hari Jumaat. Ada hari Sabtu dan Ahad. Jadi boleh cuti cuti dan cuti ! Jumaat juga dipanggil penghulu segala hari. Hari Jumaat boleh solat sunat jumaat. Orang ramai datang ke masjid. Niat beriktikaf di masjid. Mendengar khutbah. Mendirikan solat sunat 2 rakaat. Menadah tangan berdoa pada yang esa. Oh ! dan malam jumaat ada mega movie kat Tv 3. Hehehe

Imam menyampaikan khutbah

Usai solat sunat jumaat

Konklusinya: Gi masjid / surau, ingat untuk niat iktikaf. Dapat pahala. Hehehe

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Hi Internet

Yeah. I decided to have my own blog. Talk anything that I want. Share anything that I think is correct. Do treat me well all the experience Blogger. 

Konklusinya: Saya dah mula blogging :)